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Network Cabling Experts

제이네트는 15년 이상의 전문가 들로 구성되어 있는 네트워크 전문 회사 입니다.

신축 건물(빌딩) 혹은 회사 이전 시, 체계적이고 구조화된 케이블링 시스템으로 네트워크 설계, 구성 및 설치(Network Design,  Configuration, Installation-네트워크 공사,랜 공사) 전문 회사입니다.

이외에도 네트워크 유지보수(메인터넌스 -Maintenance), 네트워크 장비 및 서버 제품들도 함께 공급하고 있습니다.

JNET specializes in the design and installation of structured cabling systems with an emphasis on new construction and corporate relocations.

Clients : 국공립,금융 기관 및 글로벌 컴퍼니

클라이언트  : 삼성SDS, 넥슨, KT등의 국내외 IT전문회사와 게임회사,
                    국립국어원, 인천교통공사, 한국주택금융공사 등의 국공립 기관,

                    에머슨(EMERSON), 디아지오(DIAGEO), 커민스(Cummins), 하만카돈(HARMAN)

                    등 외국계 기업

네트웍 케이블링 서비스 ( Network Cabling Services)

  • 네트워크 케이블링 (랜 공사)
  • 광 케이블링
  • 패치패널
  • 스위치
  • 구조화된 케이블 
  • 랜(LAN : Local Area Networks)
  • 라우터
  • PBX 시스템
  • 무선 네트워크
  • 보이스 & 전화 와이어링
  • 허브
  • 카테고리5 (CAT5), 카테고리5e, 카테고리6

  • Network Cabling
  • Fiber Optic Cabling
  • Patch Panels
  • Switches
  • Structured Cabling
  • Local Area Networks
  • Service & Repair
  • Routers
  • PBX Systems
  • Wireless Area Networks
  • Voice & Telephone Wiring
  • Hubs
  • Cat5, Cat5e, Cat6
  • 100baseT

Manufacturer Partners

  • 시스코
  • 익스트림
  • 에이피씨
  • 쓰리콤
  • 아이비엠
  • 포티넷

  • Cisco
  • Extreme
  • APC
  • 3Com
  • IBM
  • Fortinet

Recent Cabling Articles

5 Considerations When Selecting a Network Cabling Company

5 Considerations when selecting a Network Cabling CompanyNetwork cabling is one of those commodities that are transparent but still critical to the operations of nearly all businesses. At the heart of every commercial facility is a computer network, often connecting multiple computers to each other, to the internet, to one or more private intranets, and to a variety of other peripherals and hardware.
The wiring used to connect all of these devices must be of the highest level of quality possible. To ensure that it is, and to ensure that the support backing up the cabling is equally excellent, the selection of an ideal provider of network cabling is vital.
Top 5 Considerations for Choosing Network Cabling Companies:
1. Experience
How long has the company been in business? This will impact the reliability, not only of the products they carry but also the services that they provide. Remember that you may need customer support should the cables have any potential difficulties or if they need upgrading or replacing.
Experience also shows that they will be knowledgeable about the products you may need. This assists in the purchasing process and the accuracy of orders and deliveries processed by the cabling company you are considering. Furthermore, their experience shows that they hold a higher likelihood of being in business for years to come.
2. Client Portfolio
Have a look at their list of prior customers with which they have done business. Do they have a substantial number of clients? How about testimonials (quotes) that tout the virtues of their products and services? This should give you a solid guideline of what you can expect from a particular network cabling company with respect to quality and dependability.
If the company has serviced any big names of brands or corporations you recognize, this adds even greater validity to the perceived credibility of their operation. This does not necessarily mean that every client listed was satisfied, but it does show that the cabling provider has been trusted by entities who have a substantial degree of dependence on network connections.
3. Local Presence
Ideally, you will probably prefer to select a company that operates within a general locality near your company’s location. If your company has multiple locations, you may wish to select a cabling provider that is stationed close to your main headquarters.
A local presence is not entirely necessary, however, given that the network cabling company can travel and/or ship their products and services to you with fast enough turnaround to meet your timeline and other demands. The need for a local presence is not a dire one, but again, it is a bonus if the data cabling company happens to be local.
4. Customer Support
This almost goes without saying when it comes to choosing a company for any product or service, but it is worth pointing out. Premium quality customer support is beyond essential. If your network is vital to the primary functions of your business, then you will need responsive tech support.
You will need immediate answers when you run into issues or concerns. The customer support should also be clear with communication and quick to resolve any problems that you may encounter with the cabling they supply for your network.
5. Track Record
It is preferable to select a company that has a name in the business of network cabling, if you are going to get desirable results in terms of quality and support. Word of mouth from others in your industry is a great way to get a feel for the public perception of the network cabling companies you are considering. Choose the most reputable one with the most competitive rates.

Elements of a Network Cabling Company

What should you look for in a company that provides network cabling? Making the wrong choice could potentially lead to a serious debacle. Replacing all of the wiring to your network is not exactly something your business wants to put into its Disaster Recovery Plan. Clearly, you should be selective before you place an order for cabling for your network.
Here are the elements of a network cabling company that will make it stand out among the competition. If a provider of cabling has all of the attributes listed here, it should make your selection an easy one.
The Quality of the Product
The quality of the products themselves that the network cabling company carries is obviously the very first and foremost concern. The main cable that connects computers and peripherals to a network are Ethernet cables. These are sorted into multiple categories such as:
  • Cat 3 Ethernet Cables: suitable for 10MB data and voice
  • Cat 5 Ethernet Cables: suitable for voice and 10/100MB data
  • Cat 5E Ethernet Cables: higher grade Cat 5 Cable for 10/100MB and Gigabit Ethernet; resists cross-talk
  • Cat 6 Ethernet Cables: higher gauge wired cable similar to Cat 5E cable; superior to Cat 5E for a Gigabit Ethernet connection
  • Cat 7 (or “Class F”) Ethernet Cables: less common, shielded cable that can handle up to 600Mhz
When selecting a network cabling provider, make sure they have a variety of quality and price levels, so that all of your wiring for networking needs can be properly accommodated.
Company Knowledge of the Product and Applications
It is vital that the company you choose is fully knowledgeable about the products that they carry. In order to serve your needs properly, they should be expected to have a broad and detailed understanding of computer networking and I.T.
Not only should you anticipate proper support of the products carried, but also the applications for which their products can be utilized. When you communicate the setup you will have, they should be able to ask the right questions to ensure that the products you order are a match for your application. They will also be able to instruct you on the quantity you should order and give you a total prior to finalizing the order, so that you may verify that it is within the confines of your company’s budget for networking supplies.
Customer Service
In addition to understand the product, it may seem to go without saying that the company should be polite and helpful. The quality of customer service may vary from one company to another, and you should not be afraid to select a company to do business with based on how they interact with you.
If the customer service representatives you encouter are responsive and respectful and seem organized, this is a good indication of a sense of attention to detail. That will like translate into the care that is associated with the other aspects of your order.
Competitive Pricing
Finally, once you have found a company that has met the aforementioned criteria, you should compare and contrast their price point against the competition. If they are in the same general range, plus or minus a negligible amount, you should place the order with the company you trust based on a few factors.
When two companies have similar pricing, make the final decision based on the standpoints of the company that: has quality products, is thoroughly knowledgeable about their products and client applications, offers superior customer service and has fast shipping.
Do not hesitate to ask a company that you already respect to meet a certain preferred price range. It is very possible that they can match or beat the pricing you have been offered by the competition. They may also have discounts and packages that provide data cabling at a reduced rate per cable as a result of buying a certain number of cables.

Top 7 Reasons High Quality Network Cabling is Important

Selecting the best, most well-matched data cables for the setup of your company network is one of the most astute business decisions an I.T. department can make.
There are countless reasons why the quality of the cabling you install for your network must be as close to flawless as humanly possible. Here are the top 7 of them.
1. Network Reliability Affects Revenue
The need for reliability in your company’s voice and data network is directly linked with a need to fulfill the prevention of profit loss. Most companies rely heavily on the internet connection, intranet connection, and the hardware peripherals connected via your network cables.
While some offices use wireless for certain connections, Ethernet is faster and preferable for signal quality and consistency. Almost all business organizations will need Ethernet and other types of network cables to configure their networks properly.
2. Crosstalk Must Be Avoided for Proper Data Speed and Stability
Cross talk is the bleeding of an electrical signal from one wire or cable into another adjacent wire or cable. This can cause many undesired effects such as data errors, delays, and complete network slowdowns. When you purchase network cabling, make sure that you purchase the right types and the accessories needed to ensure they are properly shielded to minimize crosstalk issues.
3. Installation Requires Much Work and Labor Charges
There are many steps involved in the installation of network cabling. At their hefty hourly rates, the labor charges for I.T. experts to install this precious resource into your business buildings can add up quickly.
Certainly, it is worth the investment, but it is not a process to take flippantly. Getting the right products from your network cabling company the first time is the key to keeping the expense down to a reasonable budget range.
4. Upgrading is Expensive and Time-Consuming
Get the best, most reliable (and most expensive, if necessary) network cabling solutions the first time. Do not try out the budget, low grade cables first, in hopes they will “suffice.” Again, when it comes to I.T. department’s rates and the productivity you need from these employees for other important duties, you cannot afford to cut corners or the quality of your network’s wiring. It also takes a substantial amount of time to replace network cables and the downtime of the network can cause revenue loss issues.
5. Signal Degradation/Loss (Attentuation) Occurs in Some Long Cables
The quality of the signal in your cables can degrade or be lost entirely over long distances. This is obviously unacceptable, and not something your I.T. department wants to discover after a full installation has already been completed.
Purchasing the best quality cables in the first place, again, is the best prevention mechanism. You should also research the right cables for your setup. Contact the customer support at the network cabling company if you are unsure.
6. A Poor SNR (Signal to Noise Ratio) can Also Affect Signal Quality
The ratings for Signal to Noise, or “SNR” vary from one cable to another. Noise can cause interference which also in turn can create network stability and speed issues. Your I.T. department should try to order network wiring that boasts a Signal to Noise ratio that is as low as possible - even if the network setup budget must be adapted accordingly.
7. Client Satisfaction is affected by Network Quality
Finally, your clients will be receiving phone and internet communications, files and other critical data. You cannot afford to disrupt this transfer due to an entire set of poorly selected network cables. The revenue losses associated with losing clients is immeasurable.